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Part 2: Voting for the American President

November 3, 2008 - الاثنين 05 ذو القعدة 1429 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

After reading all of the responses to my previous post I have this to say: Brothers and sisters before we carry this discussion any further we must agree on these three points:

The American leaders of today are playing the exact role of Pharaoh and Abu Jahl of yesterday and the American people of today [...]

Voting for the American President

October 31, 2008 - الجمعة 03 ذو القعدة 1429 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

The Muslim community in the US is busy with the vote and are debating who the Muslims should pick as their president. The argument presented is we are choosing between the lesser of the two evils. In reality it is more about being American and part of the system than it is about benefiting the [...]

Food Reviews from Behind Bars: Everthing Else

September 15, 2008 - الاثنين 15 رمضان 1429 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

I arrived at the Political Security Prison late at night so my first meal was breakfast. Before my imprisonment, I had discussions with former prisoners about how it was in jail, so there was some mental preparation for what was to come. I remember the words of one of the shuyukh who had been to [...]

A Question about the Method of Establishing Khilafa

August 29, 2008 - الجمعة 27 شعبان 1429 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

Salam Alakum. What I understand from your lectures is that you believe the
method to re-establish Khilafah is through Jihad. Can you respond to this?

“Another view that is being addressed to the Ummah is the concept of fighting
the rulers and that through military struggle Islam will return to the world
stage. Again this is based upon a [...]

Food Reviews from Behind Bars

August 21, 2008 - الخميس 19 شعبان 1429 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

I am done with my book reviews, so now let’s take a culinary tour of prison. The first item on the list is kudam.
The definition of kudam is a unique creature that exists on Yemeni military bases and prisons. It is the plural of kudma or kidma. The unique thing about kudam is that no [...]

A Question from a Reader on my Islamic Education

August 12, 2008 - الثلاثاء 10 شعبان 1429 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

I have received the following question from one of the readers of my blog:
I am not sure how much you have noticed, but in the West, their is a campaign to undermine your personal credentials as an ‘Alim. The all-too-common tactic of attacking the ‘messenger’ rather than the message itself is being employed in these [...]

Book Review 9: English Novels

August 6, 2008 - الأربعاء 04 شعبان 1429 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Book Reviews

There was a particularly mean Prison Head who decided to ban me from having any Islamic books. I then asked if I would be allowed to have English novels. He agreed. I have never been fond of novels. Most of my reading has been in Arabic. When I have read English, it [...]

Book Review 8: Majmu Fatawa Ibn Taymiyyah

August 1, 2008 - الجمعة 29 رجب 1429 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Book Reviews

I would not have been able to order this book. There was a brother who was transferred from a prison in Saudi Arabia to our prison, and he had the fatawa with him. The original print of the fatawa is 35 volumes but this brother had a condensed version that was 5 volumes. The pages [...]

Prisoner 650

July 23, 2008 - الأربعاء 21 رجب 1429 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Imam Anwar's Blog

Prisoner 650
A Pakistani Muslim woman had been held in the notorious Bagram Prison in Afghanistan for years and now her current whereabouts unknown. Have you heard about her? Most likely not. A Muslim woman is lingering in such a torturous jail and no alarms have gone off in her country or in any part [...]

Book Review 7: Nail al Awtaar by al Shawkaani

July 21, 2008 - الاثنين 19 رجب 1429 by Anwar alAwlaki  
Filed under Book Reviews

This eight volume set falls under what is classified as the fiqh of hadith. There are books that concentrate on the fiqh derived from Quran, such as the books of Tafsir by al Qurtubi and AbuBakr bin al Arabi, and you have books of fiqh that are concerned with a particular madhab, and then you [...]

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